Working Websites Pg 1


Direction, Direction & Direction

  • Just having a “pretty” website is not enough. You need to direct people to your website for it to be effective. In the past the old adage used to be that the three secrets of brick and mortar success were “Location, Location & Location”. Today the three secrets of website success are “Direction, Direction & Direction”.

  • You need to use “Digital Road Signs” to direct your potential customers to your website. And the more road signs you have, and the higher traffic sites they are located at, the better your website can work for you and produce results for you.

  • You need links from other companies, organizations, listings and directories.  We all would prefer our “Digital Road Signs” to be located at the digital equivalents of Main & Transit or Sheridan Drive & Niagara Falls Blvd. So remember it is not just quantity, but also quality and relevance.

  • You need to digitally advertise using the Internet, email marketing and Social media.

  • But most importantly, you need to be found whenever people use search engines to search the Internet to find the goods and services they need and want. 

.Com is King

  • There are many domain name extensions, but most search engines and people think of as the address when looking for you. Not .biz, .org, .us or .mobi.  When at all possible, purchase a relevant domain name that is a .com


  • Keywords are your digital “taglines”,  your digital “Elevator Speech”.  A quick and easy way for your potential customers to find you.

  • Words or phrases that will allow your potential customers to find your website when they are using search engines to find the goods or services they need. Quickly and easily.
